Friday, May 04, 2007

Ahh, chick lit...

How can one simultaneously love and hate something so much at the same time? You feel SO dumb for reading it, but it's so fun! Chick lit is the equivolent of television: You read it to check out of reality so you don't have to think.
Anyways, here's a quote I found funny out of my current read Dumping Billy (it's by the lady who wrote The First Wives Club, so I had high hopes. But they were crushed.): "Kate imagined his whole life had been a kind of bachelor party..."
How true! I don't know a single guy who this isn't true of. Phooey.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

May Day

::Christian screaming:: "MAY DAY!"
2 very different kinds of May Days, but either way, I'm a happy camper today. Because:
1. Last day of classes
2. GORGEOUS, sunny and about 85 today
3. Talked to Tony Scam, who wants to talk to me about a job, and I can officially move in early on Monday
4. Moving in Monday means that I can go home on Wednesday to ... see The Matches! Again!
5. A lady stopped me in the elevator today and, seeing a patch on my bag, said "Have you ever been to Haight-Ashbury?" and we got to chatting about San Francisco, where she used to live. It made me happy. "I think it's the best place in the country to live. Other than the cost of living :)"

*6 days til The Summer Haus*