Rant #1
Today's rant topic is : Guys
Yeah, I know it's very broad. But you can't complain - it's my blog. I can do what I want.
Ok, I'm not sure why this is the rant topic. Wait, yes I am. I went to a conference last nite and this morning on the Song of Solomon. Very good conference. But, inevitably - because it was about the Song of Solomon, there were 4.3 million disgusting couples there. Not all couples are disgusting. Really. The ones I saw were. Everybody and their brother is engaged, married or "serious" (whatever that means) here at Liberty. And they are all alike. Boring, mellow ... the kind of people who pick their kids up from the church nursery. I can totally see all Liberty-created couples being the church nursery type. Anyways, (I'm off topic) I observed some things that I will rant about now.
* Numero Uno: What is guys idiot problem that they only like preppy girls? Whether the guy is preppy, bandy or anything inbetween, he will undoubtedly go for the pukey preppy girl.
* Numero Dos: Why do guys always go for the short girls?
* Numero Tres: Why do they all wear red or white baseball hats?
* Numero Cuatro: What is their problem with just being friends?? They really don't think it is possible. They get all freaked out when a girl even looks in their direction and think that she wants to go out with him or marry him or tie him down or something.
* Numero Cinco: Why are they all so short? And preppy?
Hmm... well, I think that is it. I'm not mad. I just wanted to rant. Bye now.
#3 especially cracks me up. :P Must be a Liberty thing. And a Jeremy Falling Up thing (he is almost never seen without his red hat :D).
Posted by
Angela |
9:34 PM
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