Wednesday, May 31, 2006


"Grass and alcohol make me unbearably wonderful. I get too wonderful for words."
- Alvy, on why he doesn't drink or smoke (from the movie "Annie Hall")

It's almost lunch time

Today will officially creep by because as soon as the clock hits 4:30, I'm on the road!
The weather is gorgeous (80 already!) and it has that summer feel and I jammed to Start Me Up on the way to work. Now that is reminiscent of last summer! The Stones and The Doors will always be branded as summer bands because summer is when we really started digging them. I LOVE SUMMER, in case I haven't mentioned.
Weird News of (Yester)Day: KC may have a kid. He used to date this girl but she was cheating on him with 3 (!) (trash!) other guys (at the same time!) and then she had a kid. So, they don't know whose it actually is, but they call it his and he is the father figure to it. How whacked is that? Poor kid - seriously has NO chance of being a quality, normal person. He is such a shady person. How can you know someone for 9 months and never mention "by the way, I have a daughter"? We only found this info out via Kirk (ha! Kirk!). Kirk was saying how great KC is w/ the kid, and how he supports her and stuff ... what?? Since when does KC care about anyone except himself? He's nice? How come we've never seen that?
Heeheehee! This is all so comical!
Thank GOD I'm not mixed up in all this.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A great start to an even better summer!

Alas, it is Tuesday morning. The first day back after a long weekend is always 1/2 and 1/2. Half of you is like "Noooooo, I won't go back!" and the other half is like "Work isn't so bad after you've had some time off." Regardless of what is it, I'm here and I'm [already] bored. I have a feeling these next 2 days are going to crawl by only because I know that tomorrow, as soon as it hits 4:30, I'm in the car and outta here. In case you are interested (which, I am sure, you're not) here's the schedule:
Wednesday, 4:30 pm: Leave NashVegas
9:30 pm: Arrive in Cincinnati for a night of fun with Justin and friends.
The wee hours of Thursday morning: Crash on somebody's couch
Whenever I wake up Thursday a.m.: Leave for HOME!
Friday: Ang's graduation
Friday night: Hopefully one last ceremonious trip to our Steak 'n' Shake
Saturday: Ang's graduation party
Sunday a.m.: Packing up the car and moving back to Nashville, with Angela (and Sergei) in tow this time!
Sunday as soon as we get to Apartment 132: Let the party begin!!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Best _____ Of The Week

Quote: "With him, you can't be like 'What do you think about dog chow?'"
Phone Call: Scene Johnny!!! AHHHHH!!!! He called me!! I love him!
Cookie: Soft Bake!
Song: Not the showtunes I've been hearing here!
Movie: Annie Hall - it was great! You all must watch it.
Thought: My little trip to Ohio is in 5 days
Middle of the Night Conversation: Katelin and I's 2 hour Fathom-Fest last night
Revelation: People change, but they can always still identify with their roots (ex. Scene Johnny and his white trashness; KC and his preppiness) (Ha, I love my weird, unrealistic theories on life)
Let-Down: Buying a new cd player but then realizing that the cd player wasn't the problem, the adapter was, so now having to buy one of those too and being out $20 instead of 10.
Laugh: Seeing Tones (but he didn't see me) taking a walk in black shorts and white socks all pulled up.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

DaVinci, His Code and a 3 Hour Movie

Last night, Ian, House and I went to see The DaVinci Code. I really had no desire to see it, but hey, it was something to do and it's controversial, so therefore I need to see it. Despite the fact that it seemed to be never ending (it rolls in at about 2 hours and 45 mins, when 2 hours would have been enough), it actually was really good. Weird, and I definetly see why the church is up in arms about it, but really intriguing. I was surprised though that I wasn't really lost during it. I mean, without having read the book, and everything in the movie connects and builds off something else. Lots of history (which, I understand, is not all that accurate). Ian and House said they were lost during the first 1/2 hr or so, not knowing all the "church stuff". Isn't it weird that there are some things that you don't think you know much about (or you just don't think about it) and then you realize that compared to the average person, you know a ton? That's always nice. Anyways, I recommend it, just don't take it seriously and remember that, as the author states, it's a work of fiction.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Things I Have Found Out In My 1st Week Alone Here

1. The pool is really just there to taunt me, as the sun hasn't been out in 2 weeks.
2. Church actually goes by faster when you're there alone.
3. I love The Beatles more than I ever thought possible.
4. I don't like cognac.
5. The phrase "I'll call you" is boys universal code for "You def. won't be hearing from me."
6. Harry is right: men and women can't ever really be friends. (Which brings me to this point: Who can you be friends with? Girls don't get along with girls, but guys and girls can never really be only friends.)
7. I will never wish to be short again - I love being tall!
8. I love John Denver's "Annie's Song"
9. No matter who you are or what you do, you can't change another person.
10. Ray is a better writer than John.
11. Being born after 1984 makes you part of the "Millenial Generation"
12. I am much more creative than the average person, and I didn't think I was creative at all. I need to do a major overhaul of my apartment/life to reflect it.
13. Little red potatoes are where it's at.
14. Getting paid once a month is going to SUCK.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


1 hour till quittin' time.
The buzz around here today ("here" being ... well ... just me) is that Mr. Mafia Jr. (aka KC) might have a child. Heaven forbid, I hope it's not true. If he treats it with the same degree of neglect that he uses on his friends ... well then ... that kid's in for a crappy, sad life. Among other reasons, of course ;)
If this is another "minor" detail he failed to mention ... actually, I don't even care. I'm just finding this hilarious. We always say that KC is the most mysterious person we've ever met so ... if this is true, it just tops it off!
::Katelin pick up your gosh darn phone, you need to know this::

I'm just trying to waste time. I can't survive in this office anymore. Today has gone super slow and been super boring. Give me ... my apartment? Where I can be bored again, but this time all alone? Yeah, acually. Sounds like heaven.

Poo. It's Ladies Night with The Pandas. And no one to go with. Sadness.

It's also sunny outside and Mr. Pool is calling me incessantly. But alas, I cannot go because I am here
::Jesus Video voice:: Meeeh-swimming-meeeh

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I Need A Spa.

My apartment is very empty, very quiet and very lonely after having a week of 5 people living here. The last of my friends, Katelin, left about 3 hours ago and now I will be completely alone until May 31, when I make my way north to the great state of Ohio.
Actually, I'm being overdramatic. I have ... umm ... 6 or so friends that live here that I can hang with. But they aren't the same.
After probably the collective best (school) year of my life, I am sad to see it go. And this week, "wow" is all I can say: it defined Nashville - Monday/Tuesday: Finals. Tuesday night: KC and the Sunshine Plan. Wednesday: Movie night. Thursday: Ladies Night and Scene Johnny. Friday: Dinner with Gavin and the band, then seeing their show in East Nashville, of all places. Saturday: Sitting around, eating chocolate cake and orange Kool-Aid fathoming the year. And mixed in with all that was the torturous events that surrounded my cousin graduating and me having LOADS of "family responsibilities".
So, as you can see, after that crazy/fun week, starting a 9 to 5 job and having all my friends leave is a painful shock back into the "real" world. Actually, that is not any more real that what I just did. All life is real. Why did I just say that? People want to call fun college life not part of the real world? Why isn't it real? We're alive and we're living. Sounds real to me.
Anyways, I am basically very, very sad that the summer is here and at the same time absolutely ecstatic that it is, cuz Ang will be here in 3 weeks. Actually, I know I'll stop being sad as soon as she gets here, but for right now, I'm all alone and that is sad.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Observations on My Relationships

I hate my friends. I really do. Everyone down here, I don't really actually like. And the ones I sort of like have this mutual habit of not calling. On person - who shall remain nameless, but Angela, I'm sure you know who she is - is probably the most selfish person on this planet and I can't take it anymore. The worst of all people is the selfish person who thinks they aren't. I hate everyone right now!!! I know, I sound like Scrooge, but if you knew the people I do, you would be saying it too.
Here are some "friends" that, over the years, I have come to realize somehow always find me, complete with examples:
A) The Selfish B---h (we're goin' for a PG rating here, folks) : This person thinks only of themselves, in every situation. They disguise it really well though, especially thru the form of small gifts and lots of phone calls. But when you peel back all that crap, you realize they only have selfish motives. The phone calls are to talk about themselves. The gifts don't even count. When it comes down to being loyal to their friend or pleasing themselves, the obvious answer is to always please themself.
B) The Backstabber : This person is usually simultaneously "friend" A, also. They, frankly, don't give a crap about friendships or trust. Loyalty? What's that? They like to blame their "commitment" or "loyalty" problems on tragic things that happened to them in the past, but that's just a bunch of bull. Eveyone has a past. You don't see the rest of us using it as a constant excuse. They also like to pretend to be sorry, but they never really are. To quote Rhett Butler, "You're like the thief whose not the least bit sorry he stole, but is terribly, terribly sorry he's going to jail."
C) The Insecure Basketcase: This person is usually a type B also. This person is so insanely insecure that it's not even funny. They try to mask it and fool those who don't know them well. But in reality, they use anything and anyone they can to find some sense of self worth, and in the process, find it nowhere. They realize they have a problem, but don't even have the slightest idea how huge it is. They're always fishing for compliments and, in most cases, are sluts.
D) The One You Can Count On Not Being Able to Count On: The only thing you can count on this person for is to let you down. You know they will, but some how are disappointed everytime. They never call when they say they will. They never show up when they say they will. And they never even seem to have excuses. They just don't talk about it. I know there is some psychological reason, but I have yet to come up with a theory for this one.

E) The Drama Queen: It seems as though their goal is to turn their life into a combo of Beverly Hill 90210, The Young and the Restless and The OC. Everything is blown out of proportion and they are just searching for drama in every aspect of life. This person is secretly extremely bored and disappointed in their life. Not knowing how to change, they just act instead.
F) The One Who Doesn't Really Want to Be Just Friends: You pull the "let's be just friends" spiel and actually mean it. You really do want to be friends w/ this person, you just don't want to date them. They say ok and really do seem ok with it. You hang out once or twice as friends and everything seems pretty normal. Not 100% but ok. Then they start acting all weird on you. Bailing out and not calling. You realize that this person does not want to be you friend. Which is weird, cuz that's what you all started off as, so they should be happy. So basically, this person is a liar.
G) The Pleaser: This person isn't really a people pleaser, they just say whatever is necessary to please you. And why? Because they want you to do what they want you to - but they make you think that you're doing it on your own. You think they are genuine, but really, they are very dangerous. The Pleaser pretty much just wants to use you.

These are a few of the mentally unstable types that I have come across multiple times, in multiple states in my 20 years. Beware of them ... which is really pointless to say cuz most of the time you don't realize you've got them till it's too late.
Thank you for listening to my rant and please feel free to leave your comments, including stories on those you have encounted -- do it for my sanity, so I know I'm not the only one dealing with these psychopaths.

Monday, May 01, 2006

On the Road

This summer, Angela and I are going to be Carlo Marx and Dean Moriarty. For we have our own apartment (no more weird roommate -- I'm becoming a "queen of confrontation!") in Nashville, Tennessee! And, since this is The Summer of Purging, we'll get rid of all those yuck influences (you know who you are ... actually you probably don't, cuz we've probably led you to believe that we like you alot ... ). And, we'll talk about all our life theories (which aren't theories - they're all true!) and have a fantastic time! Only one month!
Sidenote: Boys don't call back when they say they will ::coughKCcough:: Except Justin, who is cool. But this is not cool on my part: I just realized that since I met him last week, I have spent a grand total of 10 hours on the phone with him. Ten, my friends. That is not me, nor is it normal. Which is why I am not talking to him for a coulple days.
Sidenote No. 2: I HATE 8 a.m. classes. Really, who honestly decided that a school/work day should begin a mere 2 hours after the sun comes up??? That is ridiculous. Maybe I could justify it if we had siestas. MAYBE. But probably not. And since we don't have siestas, then definetly not.

Sidenote No. 3: I'm going to bed.