Monday, June 26, 2006

Monday. 10:37 a.m. Not Possible.

All these things have gone wrong already:
1) The thread of hope I was holding on to -the one that thinks he and I still might have somthing- was cut up into neat, little, tiny pieces when I realize that the reason he is not calling me is because he is calling the awful wench, BeBe.
2) I was told that I am "the same kind of girl" as the above mentioned Abercrombie prep.
3) I was also told that my style is like hers and there is nothing I can do to change that, because I am tall and thin.
4) I realized that I am not as different or individualistic as I had thought.
5) I see that he has dyed his hair and it looks fab. Does not help me forget about him. (Then again, the picture had "The Angles", soooo.....)
6) I realized that my life is pathetic, and that last night I actually found myself thinking that I could fix that with some hot pink eyeshaow, gold glitter, a blue mullet or silver leather pants.
7) I found myself thinking about "how great" Columbus is and wishing I was there.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Pictures From Warped Tour

In case you weren't there to experience the "fun and mayhem" :)

Monday, June 12, 2006

All-Together Lonely

I wonder how things got this far. I wonder how they've ended up like this. Part of it seems that in no way could I have stopped it. The other part of me sees a million chances I should have used.
I guess I've learned a lot. A ton, actually. But does it make it worth it? I really don't know.
Life is one big mess. And not just mine. Life in general. I'm not who I want to be, but who do I want to be? And because I'm not that person, does it mean that I don't actually want to be them?
So, today is Monday. Fresh start to a new week. Fresh start to new ... everything. I want all new friends, all new habits, all new everything.
But, as usual, I'll fail miserably within the first 24 hours.

Friday, June 09, 2006

If it wasn't Friday, I'd die.

I am so absoluetly exhausted. I am going to suck up all the energy I have, go out as late as I can tonight and then sleep until I can't sleep anymore tomorrow. Of course, I should hope that happens before the sun goes down, because I want to soak up the sun by my *pool* :)
I totally forgot why I starting writing, cuz I honestly cannot think of anything to say. My brain is frozen. Dead. 3/4 asleep. I would love a big feather matress with a down quilt and pillow. I also would love some fluffy to eat. Maybe chocolate mousse. Or marshmellows. Or a very frothy cappucino. Speaking of, I had a dream that we went to that Portland Brew coffeeshop. I'm sure it's cuz I was talking about it yesterday. It was ubercool in the dream. Maybe I'll go in real life now.
It was so nice to be downtown last night. I miss downtown. Feel like I haven't been in ages. Can you fathom that school let out and everyone left almost a whole month ago? Crazy. I can't believe it's summer already. This year has flown by so incredibly fast.
On a more somber note, why do people always let each down? I think I read into things too much. Someone just has an off-day and I think they hate me. I always do. It's a fatal flaw, a minor one, of which I surely have many.
Before I get too pensive, which will in turn make me relaxed, which will then make me even more tired than I already am, I'm going...

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Summer of Purging Begins!

This is me and Ang's first full, official day of summer! Why I write this, I have no clue, because she is the only one who reads this, but now, instead of calling, I shall just go home in ... 3 minutes and talk to her. SO! Work is done for the day ... let the fun begin!